List of Villages in Ismailpur Subdivision of Bhagalpur (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Ismailpur Block

Ismailpur is a Town and Subdivision in Bhagalpur District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Ismailpur Block (CD) is 01337.
Total area of ismailpur subdivision is 84 km². Ismailpur subdivision has a population of 43,440 peoples. Ismailpur has a population density of 519 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 8,228 houses in the sub-district.

Literacy Rate Of Ismailpur Block

When it comes to literacy, 39.67% population of ismailpur subdivision is literate, out of which 46.75% males and 31.49% females are literate. There are about 13 villages in ismailpur subdivision, which you can browse from ismailpur subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Ismailpur Block Gram Panchayat List

#Village NameGram Panchayat
2BudhuchakIsmailpur Paschimi Bhitha
3EmadpurIsmailpur Paschimi Bhitha
4Ismail PurIsmailpur Paschimi Bhitha
5Joth GobindIsmailpur Purabi Bhitha
6KamlakundKamla Kund
7LachhmipurNarayanpur Laxmipur
8Lachhmipur BarmotraAbhia Pachagachia
10Naraen PurNarayanpur Laxmipur
12Parbatta DeoriN/A

Population of Ismailpur Block

ParticularsDensityMale PopulationFemale PopulationTotal Population
Rural519 / km²23,28520,15543,440
Total519 / km²23,28520,15543,440

Households in Ismailpur Block

Rural HouseholdsUrban HouseholdsTotal Households

Ismailpur Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) :Ismailpur (इस्माइलपुर)
District :Bhagalpur
State / UT :Bihar
Total Area :84 km²
Total Population :43,440
Density :519/km²
Total Villages :13

Villages in Ismailpur Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total PopulationVillages in Ismailpur Subdivision
less Than 200N/A
200 – 4991
500 – 9991
1000 – 1999N/A
2000 – 49994
5000 – 9999N/A
10000 and above2

How Many population in Bhagalpur
How Many villages in Bhagalpur
How Many Block in Bhagalpur

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How Many Panchayat in Bhagalpur

How Many ward in Bhagalpur

Villages in Ismailpur, Population of Ismailpur, Sex Ratio of Ismailpur Literacy Rate in Ismailpur, e town panchayat.

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