List of Villages in Tilouthu Subdivision of Rohtas (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Tilouthu Block

Tilouthu is a Town and Subdivision in Rohtas District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Tilouthu Block (CD) is 01474.
Total area of tilouthu subdivision is 181 km² including 177.91 km² rural area and 2.99 km² urban area. Tilouthu subdivision has a population of 1,09,249 peoples, out of which urban population is 8,260 while rural population is 1,00,989. Tilouthu has a population density of 604 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 17,158 houses in the sub-district, including 1,301 urban houses and 15,857 rural houses.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Tilouthu Block

When it comes to literacy, 58.86% population of tilouthu subdivision is literate, out of which 67.09% males and 49.82% females are literate. There are about 65 villages in tilouthu subdivision, which you can browse from tilouthu subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Tilouthu Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Alinagar Tilouthu West
2 Amra Kerpa
3 Bahera Chandanpura
4 Baradih Inderpuri
5 Bardiha Sewahi
6 Basdiha Kerpa
7 Baulia Ramdihra
8 Belwai Bhadokhra
9 Bhadokhra Bhadokhra
10 Bhadsa Chitauli
11 Bharkhoha Sewahi
12 Bhisra Kerpa
13 Bishunpura Chitauli
14 Chanpura Chandanpura
15 Chemni Chak Sewahi
16 Chitauli Chitauli
17 Chorkap Chandanpura
18 Churesar Ramdihra
19 Dattauli Hurka
20 Dehri Hurka
21 Dharampur Tilouthu West
22 Dighi Bhadokhra
23 Dubauli Hurka
24 Harnachiti Tilouthu West
25 Hurka Hurka
26 Indarpura Inderpuri
27 Jago Dih Ramdihra
28 Jainagra Inderpuri
29 Jamuhara Inderpuri
30 Jaraha Inderpuri
31 Jhajhara Bhadokhra
32 Kaithi Bhadokhra
33 Kerpa Kerpa
34 Koidih Hurka
35 Kusdihra Hurka
36 Lewara Hurka
37 Madhanian Inderpuri
38 Maheshdih Hurka
39 Malpura Chandanpura
40 Margohi Bhadokhra
41 Mira Sarae Inderpuri
42 Mirzapur Sewahi
43 Mitarsenpur Sewahi
44 Panraria Chitauli
45 Panti Ramdihra
46 Pathara Tilouthu West
47 Patluka Sewahi
48 Pirna Bigha Chitauli
49 Rakian Bigha Sariaya
50 Ramdihra Ramdihra
51 Rampur Ramdihra
52 Ranjit Ganj Chitauli
53 Renria Chandanpura
54 Rupahtha Ramdihra
55 Saina Bhadokhra
56 Saraiya Sariaya
57 Seua Inderpuri
58 Sewahi Sewahi
59 Shiupur Bhadokhra
60 Sonaura Tilouthu West
61 Sonpura Chandanpura
62 Supa Sarae Chitauli
63 Tilauthu Tilouthu East
64 Tilauthu Arazi Tilouthu West
65 Uchaila Kerpa
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Population of Tilouthu Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 568 / km² 52,780 48,209 1,00,989
Urban 2,763 / km² 4,383 3,877 8,260
Total 604 / km² 57,163 52,086 1,09,249

Households in Tilouthu Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Tilouthu Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Tilouthu (तिलौथू)
District : Rohtas
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 181 km²
Total Population : 1,09,249
Density : 604/km²
Total Villages : 65

Villages in Tilouthu Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Tilouthu Subdivision
less Than 200 2
200 – 499 8
500 – 999 9
1000 – 1999 25
2000 – 4999 12
5000 – 9999 N/A
10000 and above 1

How Many population in Rohtas
How Many villages in Rohtas
How Many Block in Rohtas

How Many Panchayat in Rohtas

How Many ward in Rohtas

Villages in Tilouthu, Population of Tilouthu, Sex Ratio of Tilouthu Literacy Rate in Tilouthu, e town panchayat.

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