List of Villages in Punpun Subdivision of Patna (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Punpun Block

Punpun is a Town and Subdivision in Patna District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Punpun Block (CD) is 01410.
Total area of punpun subdivision is 124 km². Punpun subdivision has a population of 1,38,143 peoples. Punpun has a population density of 1112 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 26,097 houses in the sub-district.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Punpun Block

When it comes to literacy, 50.86% population of punpun subdivision is literate, out of which 59.44% males and 41.54% females are literate. There are about 83 villages in punpun subdivision, which you can browse from punpun subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Punpun Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Abdalpur Pipra Parthu
2 Alawalpur Paimar
3 Baisa Ekauna
4 Bakarpur Potthhi
5 Barah Barah
6 Barawan Baranwa
7 Barepur Barah
8 Barhaiya Kol Paimar
9 Basuhar Potthhi
10 Bazidpur Kalyanpur
11 Behrawan Behranwa
12 Bela Barah
13 Bhabhaul Parthu
14 Chak Rafi Parthu
15 Chamuchak Majhauli Behranwa
16 Chande Dih Ekauna
17 Chhappan Parthu
18 Dariapur Kalyanpur
19 Daud Chak Ekauna
20 Dehri Kalyanpur
21 Dekuli Parthu
22 Dharahra Kewra
23 Dumri Dumri
24 Ekauna Ekauna
25 Fahim Chak Lakhanpur
26 Ganj Potthhi
27 Ghordaur Lakhanpur
28 Gulam Muhammad Kalyanpur
29 Jalalpur Potthhi
30 Jaunpuri Barah
31 Jol Bigha Potthhi
32 Kalianpur Basiawan Kalyanpur
33 Kansari Baranwa
34 Keora Kewra
35 Khairi Kalyanpur
36 Khapura Kalyanpur
37 Khatka Barah
38 Kutubpur Barah
39 Lahladpur Baranwa
40 Lakhanpur Lakhanpur
41 Lakhna East Lakhna
42 Mahamda East Lakhna
43 Makhdumpur Barah
44 Maksudpur Kalyanpur
45 Manora Punpun
46 Maranchi Ekauna
47 Milki Lakhanpur
48 Mir Haji Chak East Lakhna
49 Mohanpur Lakhna North
50 Mohiuddinpur Barah
51 Muhammadpur Barah
52 Mundi Chak Baranwa
53 Mustafapur East Lakhna
54 Nadpur Dumri
55 Nawada Behranwa
56 Newa Behranwa
57 Nima Ekauna
58 Nuri Chak Ekauna
59 Nuruddinpur Dumri
60 Pachasa Baranwa
61 Paikauli Ekauna
62 Pakri Punpun
63 Palaki Baranwa
64 Panwar Paimar
65 Parthu Parthu
66 Pipra Parthu
67 Pipra Chak Parthu
68 Pothi Potthhi
69 Purainian Behranwa
70 Rampur Potthhi
71 Rasulpur Ekauna
72 Sabalpur Lakhanpur
73 Sahebnagar Lakhna North
74 Saidpur Kalyanpur
75 Sapahua Baranwa
76 Shahbazpur Parthu
77 Shekhpura Behranwa
78 Sikandarpur Potthhi
79 Sirpalpur Lakhanpur
80 Sonbarsa Ekauna
81 Tulsi Chak Parthu
82 Ufraul Parthu
83 Zahidpur Punpun
See also  List of Villages in Masaurhi Subdivision of Patna (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

Population of Punpun Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,112 / km² 71,912 66,231 1,38,143
Urban N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,112 / km² 71,912 66,231 1,38,143

Households in Punpun Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Punpun Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Punpun (पुनपुन)
District : Patna
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 124 km²
Total Population : 1,38,143
Density : 1,112/km²
Total Villages : 83

Villages in Punpun Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Punpun Subdivision
less Than 200 2
200 – 499 11
500 – 999 25
1000 – 1999 25
2000 – 4999 11
5000 – 9999 4
10000 and above 1

How Many population in Patna
How Many villages in Patna
How Many Block in Patna

How Many Panchayat in Patna

How Many ward in Patna

Villages in Punpun, Population of Punpun, Sex Ratio of Punpun Literacy Rate in Punpun, e town panchayat.

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