List of Villages in Hasanpura Subdivision of Siwan (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Hasanpura Block

Hasanpura is a Town and Subdivision in Siwan District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Hasanpura Block (CD) is 01245.
Total area of hasanpura subdivision is 157 km². Hasanpura subdivision has a population of 1,49,580 peoples. Hasanpura has a population density of 954 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 23,488 houses in the sub-district.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Hasanpura Block

When it comes to literacy, 56.64% population of hasanpura subdivision is literate, out of which 65.63% males and 48.04% females are literate. There are about 62 villages in hasanpura subdivision, which you can browse from hasanpura subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Hasanpura Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Aranda Aranda
2 Arjal Mandrapali
3 Banri Sarai Sheikhpura
4 Basantnagar Piyaur
5 Bhekhpurwa Phalpura
6 Bishambharpur Phalpura
7 Chak Damri Gaighat
8 Chakiya Gaighat
9 Chandparsa Harpura Kotwa
10 Deipur Piyaur
11 Dhanauti Usari Buzurg
12 Dibi Pakari
13 Gay Ghat Gaighat
14 Hamid Chak Sheikhpura
15 Harpur Mandrapali
16 Harpur Kotwa Harpura Kotwa
17 Hasanpura Hasanpura
18 Jalalpur Gaighat
19 Jhaua Piyaur
20 Kabilpura Piyaur
21 Kabiruddin Chak Sheikhpura
22 Karmansi Hasanpura
23 Khajepur Kalan Sheikhpura
24 Khajepur Khurd Sheikhpura
25 Kohrauta Phalpura
26 Laheji Laheji
27 Laram Chak Usari Buzurg
28 Madhwapur Mandrapali
29 Mahual Pakari
30 Malahidih Aranda
31 Mandrapali Mandrapali
32 Mandrauli Laheji
33 Mathia Bachangir Harpura Kotwa
34 Merahi Pakari
35 Mitwar Gaighat
36 Mohmudpur Gaighat
37 Nizampur Sheikhpura
38 Pakri Pakari
39 Parari Telkathu
40 Parauli Phalpura
41 Parsa Harnatanr Harpura Kotwa
42 Pasiwarh Harpura Kotwa
43 Phalpura Phalpura
44 Piaur Piyaur
45 Pipra Harpura Kotwa
46 Puraina Telkathu
47 Rafipur Sahuli
48 Rajanpura Rajanpura
49 Rasulpur Mandrapali
50 Rukni Urf Manchha Khap Chherahi
51 Sahuli Sahuli
52 Semri Rajanpura
53 Shahabaz Chak Sheikhpura
54 Shekhpura Sheikhpura
55 Shekhpurwa Pakari
56 Suraiya Sheikhpura
57 Tanrila Telkathu
58 Tanrwa Harpura Kotwa
59 Telkathu Telkathu
60 Ujraha Piyaur
61 Usri Buzurg Usari Buzurg
62 Usri Khurd Usari Buzurg
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Population of Hasanpura Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 954 / km² 73,069 76,511 1,49,580
Urban N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 954 / km² 73,069 76,511 1,49,580

Households in Hasanpura Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Hasanpura Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Hasanpura (हसनपुरा)
District : Siwan
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 157 km²
Total Population : 1,49,580
Density : 954/km²
Total Villages : 62

Villages in Hasanpura Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Hasanpura Subdivision
less Than 200 3
200 – 499 5
500 – 999 6
1000 – 1999 19
2000 – 4999 19
5000 – 9999 7
10000 and above 1

How Many population in Siwan
How Many villages in Siwan
How Many Block in Siwan

How Many Panchayat in Siwan

How Many ward in Siwan

Villages in Hasanpura, Population of Hasanpura, Sex Ratio of Hasanpura Literacy Rate in Hasanpura, e town panchayat.

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