List of Villages in Motihari Subdivision of Purba Champaran (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Motihari Block

Motihari is a Town and Subdivision in Purba Champaran District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Motihari Block (CD) is 01041.
Total area of motihari subdivision is 237 km² including 220.59 km² rural area and 16.38 km² urban area. Motihari subdivision has a population of 3,63,976 peoples, out of which urban population is 1,26,158 while rural population is 2,37,818. Motihari has a population density of 1536 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 68,608 houses in the sub-district, including 22,224 urban houses and 46,384 rural houses.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Motihari Block

When it comes to literacy, 52.41% population of motihari subdivision is literate, out of which 58.33% males and 45.62% females are literate. There are about 72 villages in motihari subdivision, which you can browse from motihari subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Motihari Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Arazi Sirsia Tola Machhaha Sirsa Mal
2 Bairia Chandrahiya
3 Bankat Chandrahiya
4 Bardaha Bardaha
5 Bariyarpur Bariyarpur
6 Barkurwa Amar Chatauni
7 Barwa Barwa
8 Basantpur Ram Singh Chhatauni
9 Basantpur Tola Babu Ram Singh Chhatauni
10 Basantpur Tola Banra Amar Chatauni
11 Basbita Nawrangia
12 Basmahpur Agarwa Gorhwa
13 Basmanpur Basman Pur
14 Baswaria Pataura
15 Bedia Sirsa Mal
16 Bharaulia Ram Singh Chhatauni
17 Bheriharwa Amar Chatauni
18 Chararhiya Chandrahiya
19 Chhatauni Amar Amar Chatauni
20 Chhatauni Ram Singh Ram Singh Chhatauni
21 Dharmuhan Rulahi
22 Dhekaha Dhekhan South
23 Dostia Barwa
24 Fursatpur Chandrahiya
25 Gamhariya Nawrangia
26 Gangia Dih Nawrangia
27 Garahia Amar Chatauni
28 Gulariya Kataha
29 Haraj Tola Lachhmipur Basman Pur
30 Harajpur Tikuliya
31 Harian Chhapra Amar Chatauni
32 Harkaina Ramgarhwa
33 Jamla Amar Chatauni
34 Jamunapur Nawrangia
35 Jhit Kahiya Barwa
36 Jhitkahiya Jhitkahia
37 Karmaula Barwa
38 Kataha Kataha
39 Lachhmipur Nawrangia
40 Lakhaura Nawrangia
41 Loknathpur Kataha
42 Loksa Amar Chatauni
43 Madhubani Madhubani Ghat
44 Mahamud Nagar Ramgarhwa
45 Mahangua Ram Singh Chhatauni
46 Mahangua Tola Birtia Ram Singh Chhatauni
47 Malkaunia Ramgarhwa
48 Nandpur Ramgarhwa
49 Naurangia Nawrangia
50 Pataura Tola Bhataha Pataura
51 Pataura Tola Gorhwa Gorhwa
52 Pataura Tola Lala Pataura
53 Pataurra Tola Mathia Gorhwa
54 Paterhwa Amar Chatauni
55 Patparia Hal Ram Singh Chhatauni
56 Patparia Moran Ram Singh Chhatauni
57 Ramgarhwa Ramgarhwa
58 Ratra Chaunr Ramgarhwa
59 Ray Singha Ram Singh Chhatauni
60 Rulahi Rulahi
61 Rup Dih Amar Chatauni
62 Said Nagar Amar Chatauni
63 Santpur Basman Pur
64 Sarsaula Barwa
65 Semra Ramgarhwa
66 Sihulia Ramgarhwa
67 Sirsa Khap Sirsa Mal
68 Sirsamal Sirsa Mal
69 Sirsia Tola Shiwnagar Urf Dich Sirsa Mal
70 Suraha Ramgarhwa
71 Tharghatwa Tikuliya
72 Tikuliya Tikuliya
See also  List of Villages in Harsidhi Subdivision of Purba Champaran (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

Population of Motihari Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,078 / km² 1,26,392 1,11,426 2,37,818
Urban 7,702 / km² 67,861 58,297 1,26,158
Total 1,536 / km² 1,94,253 1,69,723 3,63,976

Households in Motihari Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Motihari Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Motihari (मोतिहारी )
District : Purba Champaran
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 237 km²
Total Population : 3,63,976
Density : 1,536/km²
Total Villages : 72

Villages in Motihari Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Motihari Subdivision
less Than 200 1
200 – 499 5
500 – 999 11
1000 – 1999 12
2000 – 4999 25
5000 – 9999 9
10000 and above 5

How Many population in Purba Champaran
How Many villages in Purba Champaran
How Many Block in Purba Champaran

How Many Panchayat in Purba Champaran

How Many ward in Purba Champaran

Villages in Motihari, Population of Motihari, Sex Ratio of Motihari Literacy Rate in Motihari, e town panchayat.

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