List of Villages in Rahui Subdivision of Nalanda (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Rahui Block

Rahui is a Town and Subdivision in Nalanda District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Rahui Block (CD) is 01382.
Total area of rahui subdivision is 126 km². Rahui subdivision has a population of 1,44,040 peoples. Rahui has a population density of 1142 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 24,397 houses in the sub-district.

e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Rahui Block

When it comes to literacy, 49.63% population of rahui subdivision is literate, out of which 59.43% males and 39.29% females are literate. There are about 65 villages in rahui subdivision, which you can browse from rahui subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Rahui Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Abdulhai Chak Hawanpura
2 Amarpur Patasang
3 Amba Amba
4 Anantpur Peshaur
5 Baburbana Moratalao
6 Baku Chak N/A
7 Barandi Barandi
8 Basak Saidi Mai Farida
9 Bazidpur Supasang
10 Bhandari Hawanpura
11 Bhangan Bigha Paithna
12 Bhinda Sonsa
13 Chandaura Supasang
14 Dehra Patasang
15 Dhamauli Paithna
16 Dosut Dosut
17 Gaibi Itasang Bhadwa
18 Gobaria Patasang
19 Habanpura Hawanpura
20 Hurrahia Itasang Bhadwa
21 Hussainpur Peshaur
22 Imamganj Imamganj
23 Indwas Hawanpura
24 Itasan Bhadwa Itasang Bhadwa
25 Jahangira Imamganj
26 Kadi Bigha Patasang
27 Kaiampur Makhdumpur Peshaur
28 Khaje Sarai Imamganj
29 Kumardih Sosandi
30 Kutubpura Supasang
31 Mai Farida Mai Farida
32 Majidpur Sosandi
33 Mangrabad Imamganj
34 Mararpura Uttar Nawan
35 Milki Amba
36 Mirzapur Itasang Bhadwa
37 Mohammadpur Peshaur
38 Mohiuddinpur Mai Farida
39 Mora Dosut
40 Moratalao Moratalao
41 Musepur Moratalao
42 Mustafapur Sonsa
43 Najai Sonsa
44 Ora Sosandi
45 Paithna Paithna
46 Patasang Patasang
47 Peshaur Peshaur
48 Phatakpura Itasang Bhadwa
49 Pichasa Moratalao
50 Pitaunjia Sosandi
51 Punha Barandi
52 Raghopur Imamganj
53 Rahui Rahui
54 Saraia Imamganj
55 Shahpur Patasang
56 Sherpur Itasang Bhadwa
57 Sikandarpur Digpura Amba
58 Sonsa Sonsa
59 Sonsikra Sosandi
60 Sulemanpur Uttar Nawan
61 Supasang Supasang
62 Susandi Sosandi
63 Uphraul Supasang
64 Uttarnawan Uttar Nawan
65 Wena Dosut
See also  List of Villages in Harnaut Subdivision of Nalanda (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

Population of Rahui Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,142 / km² 73,926 70,114 1,44,040
Urban N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,142 / km² 73,926 70,114 1,44,040

Households in Rahui Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Rahui Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Rahui (रहुई)
District : Nalanda
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 126 km²
Total Population : 1,44,040
Density : 1,142/km²
Total Villages : 65

Villages in Rahui Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Rahui Subdivision
less Than 200 1
200 – 499 5
500 – 999 14
1000 – 1999 17
2000 – 4999 16
5000 – 9999 7
10000 and above 1

How Many population in Nalanda
How Many villages in Nalanda
How Many Block in Nalanda

How Many Panchayat in Nalanda

How Many ward in Nalanda

Villages in Rahui, Population of Rahui, Sex Ratio of Rahui Literacy Rate in Rahui, e town panchayat.

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