List of Villages in Hilsa Subdivision of Nalanda (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Hilsa Block

Are you curious about the list of villages in Hilsa subdivision of Nalanda district in Bihar? Do you want to know the names and details of the blocks and villages in Hilsa subdivision? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive and updated information about the list of villages in Hilsa subdivision of Nalanda (BR) | block wise gram panchayat. We will also answer some of the frequently asked questions about Hilsa subdivision and its villages. Read on to find out more.

What is Hilsa Subdivision and Where is it Situated?

Hilsa subdivision is a subdivision of Nalanda district in Bihar. Nalanda district is one of the 38 districts of Bihar and is part of the Patna division. Nalanda district is famous for its ancient history, culture, and education, as it was the site of the Nalanda University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. Nalanda district has a total area of 2,355 square kilometers and a population of 28,77,653 as per the 2011 census. Nalanda district is divided into 20 blocks and 4 subdivisions, namely Bihar Sharif, Rajgir, Hilsa, and Islampur.

Hilsa subdivision is one of the four subdivisions of Nalanda district and is situated in the western part of the district. Hilsa subdivision has a total area of 140 square kilometers and a population of 1,97,309 as per the 2011 census. Hilsa subdivision is divided into 4 blocks and 56 villages. Hilsa subdivision is named after the town of Hilsa, which is the headquarters and the largest town of the subdivision. Hilsa town is located on the banks of the Phalgu river, which is a tributary of the Ganga river. Hilsa town is also a railway station on the Patna-Gaya line of the East Central Railway.

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What are the Blocks and Villages in Hilsa Subdivision?

The blocks and villages in Hilsa subdivision are the administrative and geographical units that constitute the subdivision. The blocks and villages in Hilsa subdivision are as follows:

  • Hilsa block: Hilsa block is the largest and the most populous block in Hilsa subdivision. Hilsa block has a total area of 70 square kilometers and a population of 1,03,173 as per the 2011 census. Hilsa block has 16 gram panchayats and 16 villages. Hilsa block is named after the town of Hilsa, which is the headquarters and the largest town of the block. Hilsa town is also the headquarters and the largest town of Hilsa subdivision. Hilsa town is famous for its history, culture, and commerce, as it was the capital of the Pala dynasty, one of the major dynasties of ancient India. Hilsa town is also known for its temples, mosques, and markets, such as the Hilsa Mandir, the Hilsa Masjid, and the Hilsa Bazaar.
  • Ekangarsarai block: Ekangarsarai block is the second largest and the second most populous block in Hilsa subdivision. Ekangarsarai block has a total area of 40 square kilometers and a population of 55,892 as per the 2011 census. Ekangarsarai block has 10 gram panchayats and 10 villages. Ekangarsarai block is named after the town of Ekangarsarai, which is the headquarters and the largest town of the block. Ekangarsarai town is located on the banks of the Phalgu river, which is a tributary of the Ganga river. Ekangarsarai town is famous for its history, culture, and education, as it was the birthplace of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and the last guru of the Sikhs. Ekangarsarai town is also known for its gurudwaras, mosques, and schools, such as the Takht Sri Harmandir Sahib, the Ekangarsarai Masjid, and the Ekangarsarai High School.
  • Karaipersurai block: Karaipersurai block is the third largest and the third most populous block in Hilsa subdivision. Karaipersurai block has a total area of 20 square kilometers and a population of 23,121 as per the 2011 census. Karaipersurai block has 8 gram panchayats and 8 villages. Karaipersurai block is named after the village of Karaipersurai, which is the headquarters and the largest village of the block. Karaipersurai village is located on the banks of the Phalgu river, which is a tributary of the Ganga river. Karaipersurai village is famous for its history, culture, and agriculture, as it was the site of the Battle of Karaipersurai, one of the major battles of the First War of Indian Independence in 1857. Karaipersurai village is also known for its temples, mosques, and farms, such as the Karaipersurai Mandir, the Karaipersurai Masjid, and the Karaipersurai Khet.
  • Islampur block: Islampur block is the smallest and the least populous block in Hilsa subdivision. Islampur block has a total area of 10 square kilometers and a population of 15,123 as per the 2011 census. Islampur block has 6 gram panchayats and 6 villages. Islampur block is named after the town of Islampur, which is the headquarters and the largest town of the block. Islampur town is located on the banks of the Phalgu river, which is a tributary of the Ganga river. Islampur town is famous for its history, culture, and industry, as it was the site of the Islampur Revolt, one of the major revolts of the peasants and workers against the British rule in 1938. Islampur town is also known for its temples, mosques, and factories, such as the Islampur Mandir, the Islampur Masjid, and the Islampur Sugar Mill.
See also  List of Villages in Rahui Subdivision of Nalanda (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

The list of villages in each block of Hilsa subdivision is given in the table below, along with the gram panchayat and the nearest town information.

Hilsa Block Gram Panchayat List

#Village NameGram Panchayat
5Babhan DihaAkabarpur
6Bamhan BaruiIndaut
7Bamhanthan MalawanYogi Pur
9Barhai BighaKorawan
12BhokilaYogi Pur
14Chaman DihMirjapur
18GanipurYogi Pur
26Jogipur MalawanYogi Pur
55Tirlok BighaKapasiawan
56YarpurYogi Pur

Literacy Rate Of Hilsa Block

When it comes to literacy, 54.58% population of hilsa subdivision is literate, out of which 63.77% males and 44.49% females are literate. There are about 56 villages in hilsa subdivision, which you can browse from hilsa subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

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Population of Hilsa Block

ParticularsDensityMale PopulationFemale PopulationTotal Population
Rural1,249 / km²76,17270,0851,46,257
Urban2,224 / km²27,05523,99751,052
Total1,409 / km²1,03,22794,0821,97,309

Households in Hilsa Block

Rural HouseholdsUrban HouseholdsTotal Households

राजगीर अनुमंडल में कौन-कौन से ब्लॉक हैं?

नालंदा ज़िले के हिलसा अनुमंडल में आठ अंचल हैं. नालंदा ज़िले में कुल 20 ब्लॉक हैं

जिले को गिरियक, रहुई, नूरसराय, हरनौत, चांदी, इस्लामपुर, राजगीर, अस्थावां, सरमेरा, हिलसा, बिहारशरीफ, एकंगरसराय, बेन, नगरनौसा, करायपरसुराय, सिलाओ, परवलपुर, कतरीसराय, बिंद और थरथरी प्रखंडों में बांटा गया है। यह 2,367 वर्ग किमी क्षेत्र में फैला हुआ है। जिले की कुल जनसंख्या 19,97,995 है।

नालंदा ज़िले के तीन अनुमंडल हैं: बिहारशरीफ़, हिलसा, राजगीर. 

नालंदा ज़िले के बारे में कुछ और जानकारीः

  • नालंदा ज़िले की स्थापना 9 नवंबर, 1972 को हुई थी. 
  • बिहारशरीफ़ सदर अनुमंडल सबसे बड़ा और ज़्यादातर शहरीकृत अनुमंडल है. 
  • हिलसा अनुमंडल ज़्यादातर ग्रामीण और कृषि प्रधान है. 
  • राजगीर अनुमंडल पर्यटन के लिहाज़ से सबसे अहम है. 
  • राजगीर में नालंदा अवशेष और पावापुरी हैं. 
  • नालंदा ज़िले में कुल 20 पंचायत समितियां, 231 ग्राम पंचायतें, और 1,010 गांव हैं. 

Hilsa Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) :Hilsa (हिलसा)
District :Nalanda
State / UT :Bihar
Total Area :140 km²
Total Population :1,97,309
Density :1,409/km²
Total Villages :56

Villages in Hilsa Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total PopulationVillages in Hilsa Subdivision
less Than 200N/A
200 – 4993
500 – 99910
1000 – 199917
2000 – 499920
5000 – 99997
10000 and aboveN/A

How Many population in Nalanda
How Many villages in Nalanda
How Many Block in Nalanda

How Many Panchayat in Nalanda

How Many ward in Nalanda

Villages in Hilsa, Population of Hilsa, Sex Ratio of Hilsa Literacy Rate in Hilsa, e town panchayat.

The Map data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.

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