List of Villages in Madhepur Subdivision of Madhubani (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Madhepur Block

Madhepur is a Town and Subdivision in Madhubani District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Madhepur Block (CD) is 01100.
Total area of madhepur subdivision is 234 km². Madhepur subdivision has a population of 2,67,606 peoples. Madhepur has a population density of 1144 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 58,460 houses in the sub-district.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Madhepur Block

When it comes to literacy, 44.87% population of madhepur subdivision is literate, out of which 54.92% males and 33.95% females are literate. There are about 84 villages in madhepur subdivision, which you can browse from madhepur subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Madhepur Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Adit Dih Pachahi
2 Asam Tardiha
3 Asurgarh Gargaon
4 Az Rakbe Bhit Bhagwanpur Banki
5 Az Rakbe Desam Tardiha
6 Az Rakbe Pauni Matras
7 Az Rakbe Sidhi Tajpur Banki
8 Bagewa Gargaon
9 Bahera Mahasingh Hasauli
10 Bakwa Bakua
11 Balthi Barsam
12 Banki Banki
13 Barsham Barsam
14 Basipatti Basipatti
15 Bath Bath
16 Bela Darah
17 Betauna Bhakharain
18 Bhagta Basipatti
19 Bhakrain Bhakharain
20 Bhargawan Bhargama
21 Bhawanipur Gargaon
22 Bheja Bheja
23 Bhit Bhagwanpur Bhit Bhagwanpur
24 Bhumpur Mahisham
25 Birpur Mahasingh Hasauli
26 Birpur Burh Mahasingh Hasauli
27 Bishunpur Matras
28 Chandradip Nawada
29 Chapram Matras
30 Chhatauni Basipatti
31 Chunni Karhara
32 Daldal Parwalpur
33 Dara Darah
34 Desam Tardiha
35 Doalakh Dwalakh
36 Garhgaon Gargaon
37 Gobargarha Gargaon
38 Goiahi Basipatti
39 Gopalpatti Tardiha
40 Harshankri Darah
41 Hasauli Kaleanpur Mahasingh Hasauli
42 Jagir Sagram Rahua Sangram
43 Kalikapur Matras
44 Kapar Phora Mahisham
45 Karhara Karhara
46 Khajura Prasad
47 Khajuri Barsam
48 Kharik Rahua Sangram
49 Khor Mahasingh Hasauli
50 Kurson Karhara
51 Lilja Mahpatia
52 Luchpani Gargaon
53 Madanpur Mahasingh Hasauli
54 Madhepur Madhepur East
55 Madhu Sagram Rahua Sangram
56 Mahasingh Hasauli Mahasingh Hasauli
57 Mahisan Mahisham
58 Mahpatia Mahpatia
59 Mahsa Mahpatia
60 Mainahi Gargaon
61 Mani Mahpatia Mahpatia
62 Matras Matras
63 Nahri Jagarnathpur Rahua Sangram
64 Nawada Nawada
65 Pachahi Pachahi
66 Pakhaul Karhara
67 Parriahi Gargaon
68 Parsad Prasad
69 Parsauni Barsam
70 Parwalpur Parwalpur
71 Pauni Tardiha
72 Rampur Darah
73 Ratwara Rahua Sangram
74 Rohua Rahua Sangram
75 Rupauli Karhara
76 Sarauni Mahisham
77 Semraha Tardiha
78 Shankarpur Tardiha
79 Sijhaul Barsam
80 Sikaria Mahisham
81 Sundar Birajit Sundar Birajeet
82 Tangraha Bhargama
83 Tardiha Tardiha
84 Tingri Karhara
See also  List of Villages in Pandaul Subdivision of Madhubani (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

Population of Madhepur Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,144 / km² 1,39,319 1,28,287 2,67,606
Urban N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,144 / km² 1,39,319 1,28,287 2,67,606

Households in Madhepur Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Madhepur Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Madhepur (मधेपुर)
District : Madhubani
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 234 km²
Total Population : 2,67,606
Density : 1,144/km²
Total Villages : 84

Villages in Madhepur Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Madhepur Subdivision
less Than 200 2
200 – 499 10
500 – 999 13
1000 – 1999 21
2000 – 4999 16
5000 – 9999 18
10000 and above 3

How Many population in Madhubani
How Many villages in Madhubani
How Many Block in Madhubani

How Many Panchayat in Madhubani

How Many ward in Madhubani

Villages in Madhepur, Population of Madhepur, Sex Ratio of Madhepur Literacy Rate in Madhepur, e town panchayat.

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