List of Villages in Singheshwar Subdivision of Madhepura (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Singheshwar Block

Singheshwar is a Town and Subdivision in Madhepura District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Singheshwar Block (CD) is 01159.
Total area of singheshwar subdivision is 135 km² including 133.33 km² rural area and 1.26 km² urban area. Singheshwar subdivision has a population of 1,34,159 peoples, out of which urban population is 5,298 while rural population is 1,28,861. Singheshwar has a population density of 997 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 27,252 houses in the sub-district, including 1,120 urban houses and 26,132 rural houses.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Singheshwar Block

When it comes to literacy, 41.08% population of singheshwar subdivision is literate, out of which 49.41% males and 31.92% females are literate. There are about 27 villages in singheshwar subdivision, which you can browse from singheshwar subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Singheshwar Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Bairbana Bahairi
2 Barhari Bahairi
3 Behri Behrari
4 Burhawe Bahairi
5 Dardari Bahairi
6 Dulari Dular Piprahi
7 Gauripur Gouri Pur
8 Gohumani Ithari Gehumani
9 Gopalpur Kamar Gama
10 Gurtara Lalpur Saro Patti
11 Jajhat Jajhat Sabaila
12 Jalwara Manpur
13 Kamargaon Kamar Gama
14 Kanhuan Goriari Manpur
15 Lalpur Lalpur Saro Patti
16 Latrahi Dular Piprahi
17 Mahuli Manpur
18 Majarhat Jajhat Sabaila
19 Manpur Manpur
20 Patori Patori
21 Piprahi Aurahi Ekparha
22 Rampatti Singheshwar
23 Rampur Patori
24 Rupauli Aurahi Ekparha
25 Saropatti Lalpur Saro Patti
26 Singhesar Asthan Singheshwar
27 Sukhasan Bhawanipur
See also  Oria Chak Village in Rafiganj (Aurangabad) Bihar

Population of Singheshwar Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 967 / km² 67,483 61,378 1,28,861
Urban 4,205 / km² 2,817 2,481 5,298
Total 997 / km² 70,300 63,859 1,34,159

Households in Singheshwar Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Singheshwar Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Singheshwar (सिंघेश्वर )
District : Madhepura
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 135 km²
Total Population : 1,34,159
Density : 997/km²
Total Villages : 27

Villages in Singheshwar Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Singheshwar Subdivision
less Than 200 N/A
200 – 499 1
500 – 999 3
1000 – 1999 3
2000 – 4999 10
5000 – 9999 6
10000 and above 3

How Many population in Madhepura
How Many villages in Madhepura
How Many Block in Madhepura

How Many Panchayat in Madhepura

How Many ward in Madhepura

Villages in Singheshwar, Population of Singheshwar, Sex Ratio of Singheshwar Literacy Rate in Singheshwar, e town panchayat.

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