List of Villages in Barbigha Subdivision of Sheikhpura (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Barbigha Block

Barbigha is a Town and Subdivision in Sheikhpura District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Barbigha Block (CD) is 01372.
Total area of barbigha subdivision is 100 km² including 84.28 km² rural area and 15.60 km² urban area. Barbigha subdivision has a population of 1,36,167 peoples, out of which urban population is 46,075 while rural population is 90,092. Barbigha has a population density of 1363 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 21,797 houses in the sub-district, including 7,615 urban houses and 14,182 rural houses.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Barbigha Block

When it comes to literacy, 56.29% population of barbigha subdivision is literate, out of which 63.97% males and 48.03% females are literate. There are about 54 villages in barbigha subdivision, which you can browse from barbigha subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Barbigha Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Ahiapur Kuthout
2 Aima Pinjri Pinjhri
3 Babhan Bigha Samas Khurdh
4 Baijnathpur Kewti
5 Bari Milki Maldah
6 Bhadarthi Pinjhri
7 Bhanpur Jagdish Pur
8 Biskurwa Kewti
9 Chainpur Dih Pank
10 Chak Suja Kewti
11 Chhotki Milki Maldah
12 Daria Chak Samas Khurdh
13 Dharsani Kuthout
14 Dih Nazimat Kewti
15 Dumri Pinjhri
16 Esmailpur Maldah
17 Gobindpur Kuthout
18 Gordih Kuthout
19 Jagdishpur Jagdish Pur
20 Jangipur Kuthout
21 Kabirpura Jagdish Pur
22 Kanhauli Jagdish Pur
23 Karman Chak Sarva
24 Kasturipur Kuthout
25 Kazi Fatu Chak Pank
26 Keoti Kewti
27 Khalil Chak Samas Khurdh
28 Khoja Gachhi Samas Khurdh
29 Kuseri Pinjhri
30 Kutaut Kuthout
31 Lachhmipur Kewti
32 Mahamda Pinjhri
33 Maldah Maldah
34 Milki Maldah
35 Milki Chak Kewti
36 Mirzapur Sarva
37 Musapur Jagdish Pur
38 Nasratpur Kuthout
39 Pank Pank
40 Pinjri Pinjhri
41 Punesra Pank
42 Rajoura Sarva
43 Ram Raipur Buzurg Kuthout
44 Ramraipur Kuthout
45 Ramraipur Buzurg Kuthout
46 Sanwas Samas Khurdh
47 Saraia Jagdish Pur
48 Sarba Sarva
49 Shekhpurwa Kuthout
50 Shibpur Kuthout
51 Tetarpur Jagdish Pur
52 Teus Tehus
53 Toi Pank
54 Ukhdi Jagdish Pur
See also  Saduri Village in Barun (Aurangabad) Bihar

Population of Barbigha Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,069 / km² 46,365 43,727 90,092
Urban 2,954 / km² 24,246 21,829 46,075
Total 1,363 / km² 70,611 65,556 1,36,167

Households in Barbigha Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Barbigha Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Barbigha (बरबीघा)
District : Sheikhpura
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 100 km²
Total Population : 1,36,167
Density : 1,363/km²
Total Villages : 54

Villages in Barbigha Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Barbigha Subdivision
less Than 200 1
200 – 499 4
500 – 999 5
1000 – 1999 20
2000 – 4999 10
5000 – 9999 2
10000 and above 1

How Many population in Sheikhpura
How Many villages in Sheikhpura
How Many Block in Sheikhpura

How Many Panchayat in Sheikhpura

How Many ward in Sheikhpura

Villages in Barbigha, Population of Barbigha, Sex Ratio of Barbigha Literacy Rate in Barbigha, e town panchayat.

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