List of Villages in Sonbarsa Subdivision of Saharsa (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Sonbarsa Block

Sonbarsa is a Town and Subdivision in Saharsa District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Sonbarsa Block (CD) is 01177.
Total area of sonbarsa subdivision is 149 km². Sonbarsa subdivision has a population of 2,35,841 peoples. Sonbarsa has a population density of 1587 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 46,386 houses in the sub-district.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Sonbarsa Block

When it comes to literacy, 41.31% population of sonbarsa subdivision is literate, out of which 49.08% males and 32.83% females are literate. There are about 59 villages in sonbarsa subdivision, which you can browse from sonbarsa subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Sonbarsa Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Agma Sarauni Madhepura
2 Amirta Baraith
3 Atlakha Atalkha
4 Baisa Biratpur
5 Baitha Masahri Baith Mushahri
6 Balia Ekduari Bargaon
7 Barahi Kashnagar
8 Baraith Baraith
9 Bargaon Bargaon
10 Barsam Barsam
11 Basnahi Baith Mushahri
12 Behta Dehad
13 Belhat Mahua North
14 Bhada Biratpur
15 Bhasti Kopa
16 Bhaura Kopa
17 Dahad Dehad
18 Dumra Lagma
19 Durgapur Mangwar
20 Fatehpur Parariya
21 Gazi Paita Biratpur
22 Goalpura Biratpur
23 Goari Sarauni Madhepura
24 Gonram Raghunathpur
25 Harpur Shahpur
26 Jalsiman Biratpur
27 Jamhra Atalkha
28 Jhitkia Bhela Sarauni Madhepura
29 Kasnagar Kashnagar
30 Khasurha Khajuraha
31 Kolhait Barsam
32 Kopa Kopa
33 Lagma Lagma
34 Lagma Patti Lagma
35 Mahua Patti Dakhin Wari Mahua North
36 Mahua Patti Uttarwari Mahua North
37 Maina Parariya
38 Malandh Pattiuttarwari Baith Mushahri
39 Malaud Patti Baith Mushahri
40 Manguar Mangwar
41 Manori Soha
42 Maura Khajuraha
43 Mokma Mokma
44 Nanauti Atalkha
45 Pacharhi Kopa
46 Pachlakh Mokma
47 Padumpur Dehad
48 Paita Biratpur
49 Paman Raghunathpur
50 Pararia Parariya
51 Raghunathpur Raghunathpur
52 Rakhauta Khajuraha
53 Sahmaura Shahpur
54 Sahsaul Sahsaul
55 Sarauni Madhepura Sarauni Madhepura
56 Shahpur Shahpur
57 Sirrahi Lagma
58 Soha Soha
59 Sonbarsa Sonbarsa
See also  Bela Village in Barahat (Banka) Bihar | जानें अपने गाँव, पंचायत, और ब्लॉक की सरकारी योजनाओं अपडेट, Population, Literacy rate, Caste, Religion Data, Latest News.

Population of Sonbarsa Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,587 / km² 1,23,078 1,12,763 2,35,841
Urban N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,587 / km² 1,23,078 1,12,763 2,35,841

Households in Sonbarsa Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sonbarsa Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Sonbarsa (सोनबरसा)
District : Saharsa
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 149 km²
Total Population : 2,35,841
Density : 1,587/km²
Total Villages : 59

Villages in Sonbarsa Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Sonbarsa Subdivision
less Than 200 N/A
200 – 499 1
500 – 999 2
1000 – 1999 7
2000 – 4999 35
5000 – 9999 12
10000 and above 2

How Many population in Saharsa
How Many villages in Saharsa
How Many Block in Saharsa

How Many Panchayat in Saharsa

How Many ward in Saharsa

Villages in Sonbarsa, Population of Sonbarsa, Sex Ratio of Sonbarsa Literacy Rate in Sonbarsa, e town panchayat.

The Map data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.

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