List of Villages in Jale Subdivision of Darbhanga (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Jale Block

Jale is a Town and Subdivision in Darbhanga District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Jale Block (CD) is 01181.
Total area of jale subdivision is 174 km². Jale subdivision has a population of 2,64,248 peoples. Jale has a population density of 1515 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 53,888 houses in the sub-district.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Jale Block

When it comes to literacy, 43.20% population of jale subdivision is literate, out of which 50.08% males and 35.87% females are literate. There are about 57 villages in jale subdivision, which you can browse from jale subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Jale Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Ahiari Ahiyari South
2 Badri Sahaspur
3 Baghaul Bandhouli
4 Bandhauli Bandhouli
5 Barhampur Brahmapur West
6 Chak Milki Doghra
7 Chak Talaila Dhadhiya
8 Chandar Dipa Doghra
9 Chandauna Sahaspur
10 Darhia Dhadhiya
11 Deora Bandhouli
12 Dighopatti Bandhouli
13 Dighra Doghra
14 Gadari Jalley East
15 Gaisri Aihyari North
16 Ghograha Sahaspur
17 Harauli Jalley North
18 Jale Jale South
19 Jogiara Yogiara
20 Kachhua Kachhua
21 Kaji Bahera Kazi Bahera
22 Kalwara Ratanpur
23 Kamtaul Kamtoul
24 Kangni Kamtoul
25 Kardahuli Karwa Tariyani
26 Karhans Ratanpur Kachhua
27 Karwa Karwa Tariyani
28 Katai Barampur E
29 Kataia Barampur E
30 Katraul Katraul Basant
31 Khajurwara Radai N
32 Kheraj Sahaspur
33 Lalpur Rarhi West
34 Mahuli Nankar Kazi Bahera
35 Majhaura Massa
36 Malikpur Kachhua
37 Manam Deb Jalley North
38 Manamkhedu Jalley North
39 Massa Massa
40 Milk Pauni Jalley East
41 Muraitha Muraitha
42 Nagar Diha Kazi Bahera
43 Nawada Yogiara
44 Nimrauli Ahiyari South
45 Pakhauli Jalley East
46 Pauni Brahmapur West
47 Rajaun Karwa Tariyani
48 Rajaun Asli Karwa Tariyani
49 Rarhi Radhi East
50 Ratanpur Abhiman Ratanpur
51 Ratanpur Mokari Ratanpur
52 Reorha Reorha
53 Rumaul Dhadhiya
54 Sadrabad Jalley East
55 Sahaspur Sahaspur
56 Sisauni Rajaun Karwa Tariyani
57 Tariani Karwa Tariyani
See also  Rasalpur Village in Noorsarai (Nalanda) Bihar | जानें अपने गाँव, पंचायत, और ब्लॉक की सरकारी योजनाओं अपडेट, Population, Literacy rate, Caste, Religion Data, Latest News.

Population of Jale Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,515 / km² 1,36,448 1,27,800 2,64,248
Urban N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,515 / km² 1,36,448 1,27,800 2,64,248

Households in Jale Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Jale Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Jale (जाले)
District : Darbhanga
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 174 km²
Total Population : 2,64,248
Density : 1,515/km²
Total Villages : 57

Villages in Jale Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Jale Subdivision
less Than 200 4
200 – 499 8
500 – 999 4
1000 – 1999 10
2000 – 4999 17
5000 – 9999 9
10000 and above 6

How Many population in Darbhanga
How Many villages in Darbhanga
How Many Block in Darbhanga

How Many Panchayat in Darbhanga

How Many ward in Darbhanga

Villages in Jale, Population of Jale, Sex Ratio of Jale Literacy Rate in Jale, e town panchayat.

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