List of Villages in Pandaul Subdivision of Madhubani (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Pandaul Block

Pandaul is a Town and Subdivision in Madhubani District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Pandaul Block (CD) is 01094.
Total area of pandaul subdivision is 175 km². Pandaul subdivision has a population of 2,70,642 peoples. Pandaul has a population density of 1544 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 54,966 houses in the sub-district.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Pandaul Block

When it comes to literacy, 48.96% population of pandaul subdivision is literate, out of which 57.92% males and 39.35% females are literate. There are about 65 villages in pandaul subdivision, which you can browse from pandaul subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Pandaul Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Ajodhya Sagarpur
2 Andah Sripurhati N
3 Arazi Bhaur Bhaur
4 Arazi Bhawanipur Bhawanipur
5 Arazi Rampur Bhaur
6 Az Rakbe Nawhath Sripurhati M
7 Bagban Pachadhi
8 Bahengra Sakri East
9 Baluaha Bhagwatipur
10 Baraghoria Biraul
11 Bathne Bathne
12 Baturc Pachadhi
13 Belahi Belahi
14 Bhagwatipur Bhagwatipur
15 Bhagwatipur Inamat Bhagwatipur
16 Bhaur Sakri East
17 Bhawanipur Bhawanipur
18 Bhitthi Dahibat Madhopur E
19 Bihnagar Biraul
20 Bijai Salempur
21 Bikrampur Balia Sakri East
22 Biraul Biraul
23 Bishunpur Murliahi Meghaul
24 Dabhari Sankorth
25 Dahibhat Madhopur Dahibat Madhopur E
26 Dahibhat Narottam Dahibat Madhopur E
27 Fatehpur Ekdiha Belahi
28 Gangauli Meghaul
29 Gurmha Pachadhi
30 Haidarpur Salempur
31 Harpur Pachadhi
32 Isahpur Sarisaw Pahi E
33 Kalyanpur Meghaul
34 Kamlabari Belahi
35 Kanakpur Narpati Nagar
36 Khangaon Bathne
37 Lachhmipur Sankorth
38 Lakshmipur Sankorth
39 Madhopur Sankorth
40 Majhaul Meghaul
41 Makrampur Makrampur
42 Mohanbariam Makrampur
43 Mohanpur Sripurhati N
44 Nahar Bhagwatipur
45 Narpatnagar Narpati Nagar
46 Nawhath Sripurhati M
47 Pacharhi Pachadhi
48 Pahalbadh Bhaur
49 Pandaul Pandaul East
50 Ramkhetari Singion
51 Rampur Sankorth
52 Ruchaul Bathne
53 Sagarpur Sagarpur
54 Sakuri Sakri East
55 Salempur Salempur
56 Sankorth Sankorth
57 Sarso Sarisaw Pahi E
58 Shankar Sarai Sankorth
59 Shankarpur Meghaul
60 Shekhjore Pachadhi
61 Shekhpur Pandaul West
62 Shubhankarpur Meghaul
63 Shyampur Bhaur
64 Sripur Hati Sripurhati N
65 Udaypur Bitthwar Bathne
See also  Jalwand Village in Madanpur (Aurangabad) Bihar

Population of Pandaul Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,544 / km² 1,40,092 1,30,550 2,70,642
Urban N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,544 / km² 1,40,092 1,30,550 2,70,642

Households in Pandaul Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Pandaul Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Pandaul (पन्डौल)
District : Madhubani
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 175 km²
Total Population : 2,70,642
Density : 1,544/km²
Total Villages : 65

Villages in Pandaul Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Pandaul Subdivision
less Than 200 5
200 – 499 8
500 – 999 4
1000 – 1999 14
2000 – 4999 14
5000 – 9999 12
10000 and above 6

How Many population in Madhubani
How Many villages in Madhubani
How Many Block in Madhubani

How Many Panchayat in Madhubani

How Many ward in Madhubani

Villages in Pandaul, Population of Pandaul, Sex Ratio of Pandaul Literacy Rate in Pandaul, e town panchayat.

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