The Indian government is divided into two parts the local government and the central government. Panchayat is the part of the local government. Panchayati Raj is the government at the village level that takes care of all needs of the villagers. Let us know more About Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin panchayat!
About Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin
According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin village is 260615. Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin village is located in Arwal subdivision of Arwal district in Bihar, India. It is situated 6km away from Arwal, which is both district & sub-district headquarter of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin village. As per 2009 stats, Sakri is the gram panchayat of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin village.Geographical area, and Literacy rate of village Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin
The total geographical area of village is 251.12 hectares. Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin has a total population of 1,199 peoples, out of which male population is 620 while female population is 579. Literacy rate of sonbarsa makbulpur alauddin village is 50.79% out of which 63.39% males and 37.31% females are literate. There are about 221 houses in sonbarsa makbulpur alauddin village. Pincode of sonbarsa makbulpur alauddin village locality is 804401.Nearest Town Of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin
Arwal is nearest town to sonbarsa makbulpur alauddin for all major economic activities, which is approximately 6km away.Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin
Block / Subdivision → Arwal
District → Arwal
State → Bihar
Panchayat Mukhiya
The Panchayati Raj system is a three-tier system of governance in which gram panchayats are the lowest tier of government. The mukhiya is the head of the gram panchayat.He/she is directly elected by the people and is responsible for the overall functioning of the panchayat. The mukhiya is assisted by the panchayat secretary, who is appointed by the government.
The mukhiya is the head of the village. He is responsible for the village’s finances and for maintaining law and order. He is also responsible for mediating disputes between villagers.
The pradhan is the highest executive authority in a panchayat. The pradhan presides over meetings of the panchayat and is responsible for its overall functioning. The pradhan is elected by the panchayat members.
Mukhiya of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Panchayat Block Arwal
Contact Number of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Panchayat Mukhiya/Pradhan Block Arwal
The sarpanch is the head of the village panchayat, the local self-government body in India. The sarpanch is the leader of the gram panchayat and presides over its meetings. He or she is also responsible for implementing government schemes in the village and for representing the village in the district-level panchayat.
The sarpanch is the leader of a village in India. They are responsible for the village’s welfare and development. They are elected by the village’s residents.
Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Panchayat is Located in Arwal Block of Arwal district in Bihar, India.
The Voter List
The voter list contains the names of all registered voters in a particular jurisdiction. It is used by election officials to verify that a person is eligible to vote. The voter list may also be used by political campaigns to target potential voters.
The voter portal is a
The voter member list is a list of all the people who are registered to vote in a particular area. The list is used to determine who is eligible to vote in an election. The number of people on the voter member list varies depending on the size of the area.
The voter id is a document that proves that you are a registered voter. It is required in order to vote in most elections.
Voter list of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin PanchayatWard List of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Panchayat Block Arwal
Today News of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Panchayat Block Arwal
The Map data on thisWebsite is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.The population of the panchayat
The population of the Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin is made up of residents of the village who have been elected to serve on the panchayat, as well as the staff who work for the panchayat. The panchayat is responsible for the overall development of the village, and works to improve the quality of life for the residents of the village.
Population of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin
Particulars Total Male Female Total Population 1,199 620 579 Literate Population 609 393 216 Illiterate Population 590 227 363 Transportation Connectivity of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin
Types of Transportation Status Public Bus Service Available within 5 – 10 km distance Private Bus Service Available within 5 – 10 km distance Available within 10+ km distance Railway Station Concept of gram Sabha
Basically, all the people in a village who are of whatever age and are registered as voters form the concept of a group for the welfare of the village which is known as gram Sabha. So a meeting of all the adults who live in an area covered by a panchayat is called a gram Sabha. This could be only one village or few villages.
Nearby Villages of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin
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Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Panchayat Details
Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin – Village Overview gram Panchayat : Sakri Block / Subdivision : Arwal District : Arwal State : Bihar Pincode : 804401 Area : 251.12 hectares Population : 1,199 Households : 221 Nearest Town : Arwal (6 km) Villages in Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin gram Panchayat
Villages in Sakri gram Panchayat Aslampur Dullah Konika Madan Singhka Bigha Sakri Sonbarsa Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Karmchari/Lekhpal
The lekhpal is responsible for maintaining village-level records in rural areas of India. This includes keeping track of land ownership, tax records, and other important documents. The lekhpal is also responsible for providing various government services to the villagers, such as issuing birth and death certificates, ration cards, and so on.
- Sachiv of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Panchayat Block Arwal
- Ward Councilors of Sonbarsa Makbulpur Alauddin Panchayat Block Arwal
Related Pages List of Villages in Arwal List of Subdivisions in Arwal List of Districts in Bihar Panchayat Photos
Often the gram and village Panchayats organize various kinds of events and welfare programs. These programs are not done for the general health and care of the people of the village and also for improving the social abilities and interaction skills of the villagers through these events.
There are various events, which are held on big-scale budgets while there are some which are held on small-scale budgets. But most Panchayats keep a track of these events and save these memories through photographs and pictures.
The panch work is a system of communal labor that is used to maintain irrigation canals in India. It is based on the principle of “cooperation and sharing of resources and labor.” Under the system, each village is responsible for maintaining a certain section of the canal. The work is divided among the members of the village, and each person is assigned a task according to their ability. The panch work is done on a rotating basis, so that everyone in the village has a chance to participate.
The gram Sabha
The gram sabha is the primary governing body of a village in India. It is a meeting of all the eligible villagers, typically held once a year. The gram sabha elects the village panchayat, which is the village’s governing body. The gram sabha also approves the village’s budget and decides on village development projects.
The gram sabha is a meeting of the village assembly in which all members of the village are invited to discuss important matters relating to the village. The gram sabha is chaired by the village headman and all decisions are made by consensus.
The gram Sabha is a village assembly in which all registered voters of the village are members. The gram Sabha is the foundation of the Panchayati Raj system in India. It is a meeting of all the eligible residents of a village to discuss village affairs and elect the village leaders.
Village Ward
The village ward is a small area within a larger town or city and also in village. It is usually home to a specific community or group of people, who have their own social and economic activities. The ward is often governed by a local council or board, and has its own set of rules and regulations.
The ward in panchayat is responsible for the administration and management of the panchayat. They are also responsible for the development and welfare of the panchayat.
Website The panchayat
Website is aWebsite that provides information about the panchayat, a type of local government in India. TheWebsite includes information about the panchayat’s history, functions, and services. TheWebsite also includes a directory of panchayats in India, as well as contact information for the panchayat.