List of Villages in Manpur Subdivision of Gaya (BR) | Block wise gram panchayat

About Manpur Block

Manpur is a Town and Subdivision in Gaya District of Bihar.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Manpur Block (CD) is 01494.
Total area of manpur subdivision is 128 km². Manpur subdivision has a population of 1,48,418 peoples. Manpur has a population density of 1158 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 25,662 houses in the sub-district.

e-Gram Panchayats
e-Gram Panchayats

Literacy Rate Of Manpur Block

When it comes to literacy, 48.46% population of manpur subdivision is literate, out of which 56.26% males and 40.12% females are literate. There are about 76 villages in manpur subdivision, which you can browse from manpur subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat information) below.

Manpur Block Gram Panchayat List

# Village Name Gram Panchayat
1 Abgila Bara Gandhar
2 Alawal Chak Bhore
3 Amari Sohai Pur
4 Amra Sohai Pur
5 Badahpur Bhore
6 Badra Bhore
7 Bagahi Kalan Sohai Pur
8 Baijal Tetariya Lakhan Pur
9 Bandhuwa Sohai Pur
10 Bara Gere
11 Belhanta Kaiya
12 Berewa Sonaut
13 Bhadeja Bhadeja
14 Bhadeji Bhadeja
15 Bheriya Nanauk
16 Bhore Bhore
17 Bhualpur Sonaut
18 Bhusanda Nauranga
19 Biju Bigha Nanauk
20 Bisar Kaiya
21 Burhgere Lakhan Pur
22 Burhi Bhore
23 Chiraila Kaiya
24 Delha Nanauk
25 Dohari Sonaut
26 Dudhaila Sonaut
27 Gandhar Bara Gandhar
28 Gangti Shadi Pur
29 Ganjas Sohai Pur
30 Gaura Lakhan Pur
31 Gere Gere
32 Goga Kaiya
33 Harli Lakhan Pur
34 Hunrrahi Usari
35 Inguna Bhadeja
36 Jamuanwan Sohai Pur
37 Kaiya Kaiya
38 Kamalpur Bara Gandhar
39 Kemun Chak Usari
40 Kharhari Kaiya
41 Khedarpura Nanauk
42 Kukiasin Shadi Pur
43 Lakhanpur Lakhan Pur
44 Lodipur Gere
45 Madarpur Nanauk
46 Mahuar Nanauk
47 Mahuar Kalan Nanauk
48 Majhauli Bhadeja
49 Masautha Kalan Lakhan Pur
50 Masautha Khurd Lakhan Pur
51 Mast Alipur Nauranga
52 Meharban Chak Sohai Pur
53 Mirzapur Gere
54 Nanauk Nanauk
55 Nanhak Chak Gere
56 Naroghat Sonaut
57 Nasirpur Bhore
58 Naudhariya Usari
59 Nauranga Nauranga
60 Nawada Nanauk
61 Nima Bhore
62 Pachamba Bhore
63 Panda Bigha Usari
64 Paroriya Sohai Pur
65 Pathalghatta Shadi Pur
66 Rasalpur Lakhan Pur
67 Rasuna Gere
68 Sadipur Shadi Pur
69 Sikahar Bara Gandhar
70 Sohaipur Sohai Pur
71 Sonaut Sonaut
72 Sondhi Shadi Pur
73 Surheri Bhadeja
74 Tapsi Bhore
75 Telar Bhore
76 Usri Usari
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Population of Manpur Block

Particulars Density Male Population Female Population Total Population
Rural 1,158 / km² 76,700 71,718 1,48,418
Urban N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,158 / km² 76,700 71,718 1,48,418

Households in Manpur Block

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Manpur Block/ Sub-District Overview

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Manpur (मानपुर)
District : Gaya
State / UT : Bihar
Total Area : 128 km²
Total Population : 1,48,418
Density : 1,158/km²
Total Villages : 76

Villages in Manpur Subdivision/Block Population-wise

Total Population Villages in Manpur Subdivision
less Than 200 2
200 – 499 6
500 – 999 23
1000 – 1999 18
2000 – 4999 25
5000 – 9999 2
10000 and above 1

How Many population in Gaya
How Many villages in Gaya
How Many Block in Gaya

How Many Panchayat in Gaya

How Many ward in Gaya

Villages in Manpur, Population of Manpur, Sex Ratio of Manpur Literacy Rate in Manpur, e town panchayat.

The Map data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.

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